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  1. Pubg Battleground Cake
  2. Pubg Battleground Cake
  3. Pubg Battleground Cake

Pubg Battleground Poster Cake

₹ 749(Inclusive of GST)
Select WeightServing info
0.5 Kg
1 Kg
1.5 Kg
2 Kg
Select Flavour
Black Forest
+3 more flavours
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Product Description

This is a perfect birthday gift for a pubg lover. Gift this to someone special and a die-heart fan of PubG and make thei...Read more

This is a perfect birthday gift for a pubg lover. Gift this to someone special and a die-heart fan of PubG and make their birthday really special for them. Bring a sweet sparkly smile on their face and wish them a delighted birthday. Your work is just to send us their name, and you are done. Avoid placing the photo and poster cake in a refrigerator as the chilled droplets can spoil the photo on the top of the cake.

SKU: phot4244flav
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