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  1. Bhai Dooj Choco Truffle Cake
  2. Bhai Dooj Choco Truffle Cake
  3. Bhai Dooj Choco Truffle Cake

Bhai Dooj Choco Truffle Cake

₹ 599(Inclusive of GST)
Select WeightServing info
0.5 Kg
1 Kg
1.5 Kg
2 Kg
4 Kg
Cake Message 0/25
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Available in limited cities*

Product Description

Add sweetness to Bhai Dooj celebrations with our rich Chocolate Truffle Cake. Covered in smooth ganache & adorned with c...Read more

Add sweetness to Bhai Dooj celebrations with our rich Chocolate Truffle Cake. Covered in smooth ganache & adorned with chocolate accents, it promises an experience that complements the festive spirit.

SKU: cake2967choc
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Buy Now | ₹ 599